What are land and developments? Well, there are undeveloped pieces of land and developments that alter the land in any number of ways such as, changing landforms for commercial reasons or for subdividing real estate into lots. JAG Development, Inc.'s current land and developments are their family-owned parcels of undeveloped land that are currently in the planning development stages with plans to construct single-family homes, apartment complexes, condo communities, etc. JAG Development, Inc. has set out to be a force in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the surrounding areas for land development.

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JAG Development, Inc. was created to uncover their family-owned properties. JAG has set out to grow the family business and capitalize on their 100 plus undeveloped properties. JAG is currently in the process of developing some of the parcels located in Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas. Are you interested in learning more? 'Contact Us’ to learn more.